Thursday, January 30, 2014


A full week has blown by since I started this little escapade. And I mean literally blown by... with lots of snow and ice. My human has been walking 1/2 mile round-trip down to our mailbox every day in search of something called a "W2". She bundles up in so much extra clothing that she can hardly see or move! It's a good thing us hounds have our own fur. She tried to put a doggy jacket on me once and I could not stand it! Poor hairless humans. Every time she waddles out the door in search of that W2 I go nuts acting like I want to go with. She then feels sorry that it's too cold to take me with, and promises to hurry back and give me a hug and a tasty treat. Mission accomplished. So then I just go curl up in her bed and nap until she gets back.

Notice how I expertly tuck my toes and tip of my tail for maximum heat retention (my don't I sound smart)

It feels like I've been napping a lot lately; probably due to the low temperatures. I wish that the cold could explain my mood swings too. I almost feel bad for snapping on Twiggy, my sister dog, today. She's a cattle dog and won't stop nipping at my feet and ankles. Just because I'm bigger than her doesn't mean she has to treat me like a cow! If she's going to play the instinct card then this blood-hound has every right to draw a little blood! Wow, I shock myself. I'm usually very forgiving and tolerant of her until there's something worth fighting over, like food. Now that I think about it, I even snapped at my tiny little rat terrier sister, DayZee, yesterday and I never ever push her around! She's barely bigger than the cat and has no issue submitting to me.

Now that I've got that off of my chest, let's end on a positive note. The roads are finally clear so the humans can go get more food!!! The pickin's have been slim around here lately. I suspect that my human might pick up more "plastic sheet protectors" today too. I had a smart idea last night and decided to help out the office supply industry with their economic endeavors by flossing my teeth with shredded bits of plastic (of course I had to shred it first). I may have gone a bit too far, however, and also damaged a few important papers and magazines that my human uses in her home business.

 Busy helping the economy, I have been.

My human says that, to make up for accidentally chewing on her paperwork, I have to tell my readers where to go for more information on her home business. So I guess check out this page if you're interested. However, I suggest going here for way more exciting things to read (and more pictures of yours truly)! While you're away, I'm going to pull some strings for a tasty treat and take a nap. After all, it's not every year that a human without a vehicle must brave freezing temperatures in search of a W2.

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